Guest Book
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Posted on the 2024-05-01 at 09:59
Do any of you realize that 99% of people born between 1930 and 1946 (GLOBALLY) are now dead. And that makes we who are still alive a privileged 1%er! CELEBRATE!!

2009 and prior entries:

Henry (Hank) Bane - 10-09-2009
Even though I was not in your graduating class, (I graduated in January, 1960) I knew a great many of the members of the '59 class. I would like to congratulate and thank the people who built this is a website to be very proud of.

Nancy Gilmour Oliver - 10-03-2009
Had fun looking at old friends, and reading about who, what and where. Did not graduate from Roosevelt, but did attend Franklin and Roosevelt, and would to hear from old friends...

Kathleen (Peterson) Nelson - 09-24-2009
For attendees the 1959 50th Class Reunion is now added to our collection of positive TRHS memories. The Committee deserves the highest praise for planning an outstanding series of entertaining events and making the gathering unfold for a life affirming experience. For those who couldn't make this 'Trip to Bountiful' we missed you. It was obvious again that this class is indeed something special! In revisiting our roots we renewed our friendships and common foundation, regained awareness for what we will yet accomplish, and restored both strength and spirit to get on with it. Thanks to everyone for making it happen!

Jackie (Lane) Kail - 09-17-2009
I just want the reunion committee to give themselves a pat on the back. You went above and beyond any of my expectations with our 50th class reunion, and my husband and I were very impressed with all the planned activities. You seemed to think of everything!  Please accept our thanks for bringing us all together again. You have blessed us with a lifetime of memories in a four day span.

Joel Schlachtenhaufen - 08-17-2009
Glad so many are coming to the 50th. Susan and I will be on our way to Sibiu, Romania for a three month stay at the Lutheran Church there. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of great memories! God Bless You All!

Sharon Swim - 08-14-2009
Looking forward to the '50th'.  UGH!  I still think I'm only 18!  Well, my mind says so, but my body says different. Can't wait to see everyone.

Carolyn Voigt aka Kay Sorensen - 08-11-2009
The time is getting near for us to head for Des Moines. It was such fun finding and talking to classmates and spouses of classmates during the two years we looked for those without current address information... we called them 'the missing'. We only had two 'missing' to find and I see one of them, Lelis Rymer, has entered her bio on the website. I'm counting her as found! in my book. (even tho. I don't see an address.) I am so glad you chose to add your information, Lelis. I was hoping we could find you before the reunion and hope you will consider coming.

Thomas E. Holtz - 07-21-2009
Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Donna Womacks Stanger - 05-18-2009
It will be good to be together again and share memories and stories of our families and ventures.

Michael Dean Anderson - 04-10-2009
Can't be 50 years. That would mean that I'm .......... Damn, that's right! I feel like I'm 30, until that old guy in the mirror smiles back at me. Oh well, it's been a great ride so far.

Ken Johnson - 03-12-2009
Can't wait to see Des Moines again and my old homestead @ 613 Polk Blvd across the street from Molly and Martha Bond and just around the corner from Betty Strayer... looking forward to seeing the Capital building with the gold dome and downtown Des Moines... As a kid, I remember catcing the electric bus on Ingersoll and going to the YMCA every Sat and swimming in that cold pool IN THE RAW!... UFFDA!... Last time I was in The Capital City was 1986... when I buried my Mom at Glendale Cemetery. I look forward to seeingeveryone in September.... Best regards, Ken Johnson

Blondell Winston - 07-01-2008
Looking thru the pictures brought back such wonderful warm feelings. I can not wait to see everyone, God willing and the creek don't rise.

Charles C. Corwin, CLU - 06-08-2008
Super start on the class list. Let us hope more sign up. Ellen (Morris, St. Joseph 1959) and I will be there. Des Moines will surprise those that have not been back. Bring you bike (or just your helmet) and ride the trails. Roosevelt Football is being played again at the renovated Drake Stadium.

Nancy Morris Graham - 03-26-2008
Hope to be at the 50th.