We got together

60th Reunion : October 4th - 6th, 2019
Dinner Embassy Club Art Boyer, Hank Wood, Sheryl Smith, Edgar Smith, John Hobbs, Davia Gallup, Tom Mason, Meredith Mason
Dinner Embassy Club Charlie Miller, Annette Miller, Belinda Price Brent, Bert Brent, Carolyn Villeneuve, Doug Dorner, Cooper Weeks, Nancy Davis, Joe Davis Barb, Elder Bellizzi
Dinner Embassy Club Elizabeth Strayer Grove, Sharon Becker Miller, Marilyn Hockenberg Layton, Joanne Haakinson, Gwen Brown (Joanne's sister), Jan Deckard Campbell, Carol Crookham Thurness, Bette Hull Hoag
Dinner Embassy Club Jim Hulse, Kathy Hulse, Todd Bolen, Mary Kroeger Bolen,  Susan Winner, Loretta Fingert. Gary Fingert, Nancy Coleman Lujan, Sarah Haskins Asby
Dinner Embassy Club John Hobbs, Davia Gallup, Tom Mason, Meredith Mason
Dinner Embassy Club Linda Kiehne, Roger Chapman, Lonnie Smith, Sandy Lundberg Smith, Larry Blythe, Lori Blythe
Dinner Embassy Club Lois Larson, Maralynn Torode Allender, Anne Anderson Driscoll, Ellen Kelly Smith, Ann Mack Collier, John Collier, Chuck Safris, Kathy Safris, Sydney Smith
Dinner Embassy Club Mardelle Abram Oakley, Bev Lewis, Sue Lynn Faller,  Joel Faller, Roz Rosenberg, Martha MacKinnon Karles, Ellen Corwin, Penny Peterson Kaiser, Bob Kaiser

50th Reunion
Anita Greene Kamman, Tom Kamman, Pat Patton Bengfort, Jim Bengfort
Art & Pete Boyer
Belinda Price Brent & Chuck Safris
Belinda Price Brent, Burt Brent, Marilyn Hockenberg Layton
Belinda Price Brent, Roz Rosenberg, Burt Brent
Beth Kesterson Reed, Sandy Schroeder Wood, Diane Whylie Cameron, Dee Wooldridge Sharpe
Betty Hull Hoag, Sue Laster Sutphin, Charlie & Adelina Brothers
Bev Lewis, Carol Sue Crookham Thurness, Mardelle Abram Oakley, Sue Laster Sutphin, Dee Wooldridge
Bev Lewis, Roz Rosenberg, Cathy Smedes White
Blondell Winston & Barb Elder Bellizzi
Bob & Penny Peterson Kaiser
Bob Kuefner, Don Driscoll & Anne Anderson Driscoll. Rita Lull Loberger in background.
Carole Villeneuve (Doug's wife), Doug Dorner, Kathy Roebken Churchill
Cathy Smedes White & Betty Hull Hoag
Cathy Smedes White, Janet Graham, Sharon Becker Miller
Charlie & Annette Miller
Chuck & Ellen Corwin
Chuck Newcomer, Pat Edgerton Newcomer, Mary & Bob Kuefner
Chuck Safris, John Hobbs, Lee Marshall, Bob Porter
Dana Gaylord Hamilton, Syd Smith & Ellen Kelly Smith
Debby Hull Strayer, Lois Larson Ward, Sharon Becker Miller
Diane Whylie Cameron & Bev Lewis
Diane Whylie Cameron, Sandy Schroeder Woods, Beth Kesterson Reed
Elizabeth Strayer Fields, Martha MacKinnon Karels, Roz Rosenberg, Dee Wooldridge, Marilyn Hockenberg Layton, Diane Whylie Cameron, Betty Hull Hoag

45th Reunion : our gathering in Des Moines
45th High School Reunion
Anne Anderson Driscoll, Maralynn Torode Allender & Martha Church Langill
Annette and Charlie Miller & Don and Mary Jo Johnston
Annette Lecocq Miller & Martha Church Langill
Annette Miller, Ron Sutphen, Sue Laster Sutphen & Roger Chapman and wife, Linda Kiehne
Beth Kesterson Reed and husband, Keith & Marilyn Moore Cantwell and husband, John
Beth Kesterson Reed and husband, Keith
Bev Lewis, Carol Sue Crookham Thurness & Cathy Smedes White
Bill Cleveland & Larry Dorr
Bob and Donna Kreamer
Bob Kaiser, Hank Wood, Elizabeth Strayer Grove & Chuck Corwin
Bob Kaiser, Pat Patton Bengfort and husband & Jim and Joel Schlachtenhaufen (standing)
Bob Kreamer, Bill Cleveland, Sharyl and Edgar Smith.  Background: Sue Lynn Faller & Beth Kesterson Reed
Bob Kreamer, Tom Mason & Larry Dorr
Bob Kreamer, Tom Mason, Bill Cleveland, Edgar Smith & Bob Briggs
Bob Kreamer
Cathy Smedes White and Jim White & Ken and Kay Drews
Cathy Smedes White and Jim White
Cathy Smedes White and Jim White
Cathy Smedes White, Charlie Miller & Marilyn Mauritz
Cathy Smedes White, Martha Church Langill, Midge Elman Rubinson, Pat Patton Bengfort, Roz Rosenberg, Joel Schlachtenhaufen & Penny Peterson McAndrews
Charlie Brothers and wife, Adelina
Chuck and Pat Edgerton Newcomer & Joel Faller
Edgar Smith

40th Reunion : July 9th and 10th, 1999
40th High School Reunion
Debby Hull, Larry Dorr, Lois Larsen & Bill Cleveland at Hyperion

35th Reunion : June 17th - 19th, 1994
35th High School Reunion
Beth Kesterson, Mardelle Abram, Carolyn Stuart, Susie Anderson
Bev Lewis, Pat Houston, Lois Larson, Susie Lynn, Lynn Blakeley, Sharon Becker, Debby Hull, Penny Peterson, Sue Laster, Mary Kroeger
Bill Cleveland & Bob Porter
Bill Cleveland, Bob Kreamer, Jeff Stanley, Martha Church
Bob Porter, Beth Kesterson, Bill Cleveland
Brian Dunker, Bill Cleveland, Roger Chapman & Lynda Kiehne
Ken Drews & Edgar Smith
Ken Drews & Judy Anderson
Larry Blythe, Bob Porter, Bob Kreamer, Bill Cleveland, Ken Drews
Lois Larson, Beth Kesterson, Sheila Zornes, Bev Lewis, Susie Lynn, Debbie Hull, Lynn Blakeley
Mardelle Abram, Roz Rosenberg, Penny Peterson, Emily Kite, Diane Mitchell & Judy Anderson
Martha Church & Judy Larsen
Martha Mac Kinnon, Judy Anderson, Cathy Smedes
Pat Houston, Pat Chitwood, Marilyn Hockenberg, Ginger Kaplan
Pat Patton & Penny Peterson
Ron Troutman, Pat Edgerton, Bev Lewis
Sharon Lutjen & Marilyn Mauritz
Judy Sparks
Sharon Becker & Chuck Corwin

30th Reunion : in Washington DC, September 1989
The 'group' in Washington DC
Anita Greene Kamman & Tom Kamman
Carol Sue Crookham & Mary Kroeger
Debby Hull, Sharon Beckett & Polly Martin
Edgar Smith, Jan Deckard & Mark Conkling
Friday night in Washington DC
Gerrit Maris
Ginger Kaplan, Janet Graham, Roz Rosenberg, Midge Elman
Hank Wood & Dick Shaw
Jack Goodrich, Mary & Jeff Gaskell & Polly Martin
Jan Deckard, Janet Graham, Lois Larsen & Judy Anderson
John Risser & Helen Bishop
Julie Hartoft, Penny Peterson & Pat Patton
Larry McPheeters
Lonnie Smith, Pat Cordeman Smith & Sharon Beckett
Lunching in Georgetown Betty Strayer, Janet Graham, Jan Deckard & Joan Taylor
Mr & Mrs Gerald Jackson at Des Moines Pre-party 1989
Nedra Sparland & Tom Holtz 1989 Pre-party in Des Moines
Patty Woolsey & Tom Holtz
Strolling in Georgetown, Lois Larsen, Janet Graham, Carol Sue Crookham & Judy Anderson
Ready to Party, Debby Hull
Ready to Party, Lois Larsen

25th Reunion : July 6th and 7th, 1984 at Scruffy's and the Marriott
25th High School Reunion
Bill Billstein & Midge Elman
Bill Cleveland & Bob Kreamer
Bill Cleveland, Bob Porter & Meredith Mason
Bill Cleveland & Julie Hartoft
Bill Cleveland & Penny Peterson
Bill Cleveland, Roz Rosenberg & Tom Holtz
Doug Dorner & John Brown
Edgar Smith, Jon Winner & Mr. Jackson
Jean & Joan Owens, Pat Patton, Martha Mackinnon, Penny Peterson, Jon Winner, Mr Jackson, Butch Seidenfeld & Jerry Whitlock
Jim Hulse, Susie Lynn Faller, Joel Faller, Jack Goodrich & Ron Sutphin
John Brown & Julie Hartoft
John Collier & Jeff Gaskell
Judy Larson Smidt, Gary Smidt & Martha Church
Judy Larson, Martha Church & Sue Laster
Julie Hartoft & Martha McMicheal
Kathy Roebken
Kathy Roebkin, Judy Larson, Sue Suhler,Lois Larson, Marti Lekin, Rita Lull, Sue Laster & Muffy Whitmack
Larry Dorr, Julie Hartoft, Bill Cleveland & Martha McMicheal
Larry Dorr, Martha Church & Joel Schlachtenhaufen
Larry Dorr, Pete Boyer & Bob Kreamer
Martha McMicheal & Mike Lamberti
Midge Elman, Pat Patton & Penny Peterson
Midge Elman, Roz Rosenberg & Martha Church

20th Reunion
20th High School Reunion
Denny Battrick & Dick Shaw
Jackie Lane, Josette Reed & Debby Hull
Julie Hartoft & John Brown
Ken Drews, Dan Pendergraft & Roz Rosenberg
Larry and Marilyn Dorr, Bob Porter & Debby and Denny Battrick
Larry Dorr & Lee Marshall