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Betty Strayer

Posted on the 2024-05-02 at 17:04
So many memories! How about our great sports teams. Football games at Drake Fieldhouse on Friday nights; the cheerleaders and Booster Club cheering like crazy. ...or our great basketball games followed by dances in the girls gym. Then there was the Girl's Club event when we dressed up as African Animals. The list goes on and on. We were a close supportive group and I shall remember our time together in a most fond way. Go Rough Riders!!!

Betty Strayer picture submitted by Judy Jansen with Betty's approval
Betty Strayer picture submitted by Judy Jansen with Betty's approval
Eleanor Smith Ossian
Eleanor Smith Ossian
Joanne Haakinson & Linda Rosenburg 1955
Joanne Haakinson & Linda Rosenburg 1955

Ken Johnson graduation picture 1959
Ken Johnson graduation picture 1959
Lee Marshall 1955
Lee Marshall 1955
Martha Church 1954
Martha Church 1954

Mike Anderson 1955
Mike Anderson 1955
Suhler's poodle Baron and Sue Suhler 1956 at home
Suhler's poodle Baron and Sue Suhler 1956 at home